[Now Closed] International Roundtable on the role of Social Media in shaping (Un)Democratic processes - Institute for the Study of the Asia Pacific
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[Now Closed] International Roundtable on the role of Social Media in shaping (Un)Democratic processes

Our next International Roundtable on the role of Social Media in shaping (Un)Democratic processes is taking place on the 9th March from 9:30am at the People’s History Museum. A full day dedicated to workshops, movie screening and discussions on information technologies and democracy.

Open to public in the People’s History Museum throughout the day

See more and book a place here: https://socialmediainundemocraticcountries.eventbrite.co.uk

Apply soon! Limited places available for public!

Students and Staff of UCLan please contact Dr Lara Momesso (lmomesso@uclan.ac.uk) to book a place, not through eventbrite.