19 Sep [Now Closed] International Roundtable on Climate Change in the Pacific, COAST 2020
Join us at the International Roundtable on Climate Change in the Pacific, organised by the Centre of Austronesian Studies, UCLan and Communities Fiji Britain, for Fijian 50 years Independence!
It aims to shed light on different conversations on the effect of climate change in the Asia Pacific, particularly within topics of climate migration, loss of culture and identity, and climate activism.
Climate change is having a detrimental impact on the lives of many Pacific peoples. This has been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic which has resulted in a lack of media attention on climate change in the Pacific due to the continued reporting on the global spread of the virus. As such, it is important to consistently create space for continued discussion on climate change within the Pacific.
Date: 28th October 2020
Time: 9:00am-11:30am GMT
Location: Online (Microsoft Teams)
To find out more visit Eventbrite
Register on Eventbrite for free to book your place. As the roundtable will take place on Microsoft Teams, there is a limit of 250 viewers.
A reminder and link to the talk will be sent to registered viewers before the talk!
Participants include:
- Prof Niki J.P. Alsford (As Keynote Speaker)
Professor at University of Central Lancashire
- Ms Krishna Ariola
Youth for Climate Hope Founder and Climate Activist
- Dr Ti-Han Chang
Lecturer at University of Central Lancashire
- Dr Lyn Collie
“There Once was an Island” Producer and Co-Director
- Dr Silja Klepp
Lecturer at Kiel University
- Dr Lesley Iaukea
Lecturer at University of Hawaii at Manoa
- Matthieu Rytz
“Anotes Ark” Director
- Dr Maina Talia
Tuvalu Climate Action Network Member
This Roundtable is organised by the Centre of Austronesian Studies (COAST) and Communities Fiji Britain (CFB) in conjunction to Fijian 50 Years Independence Day.
For Enquiries, please contact ISAP.
See more about the Centre of Austronesian Studies (COAST)
See more about Communities Fiji Britain